20 Things I Learned On Tour


Written by Lexi Rodriguez 

Growing up in a small town in Kansas, to say the least, is exhausting. You have to go out and hunt for stuff to do, travel for the bigger events, and people that bullied you in high school try to sell you some new fad diets or workout programs. Needless to say, I needed a break. Hopping on a three-week tour was pretty much a full-on culture shock for me, but I learned so much about myself and others. I went from just going to work and bed, to being pushed creatively on a daily basis in every way. I learned how kind people can be and how mean people can be. Eventually I took the time to sit and write most of my thoughts, leading to a couple new songs, and a list of the most important touring tips and lessons. So here we go. 

1.) Get a Planet fitness membership. I thought this was a joke. It’s so real.

2.) When you’re stopping at gas stations, go for the 50-cent banana over the $2 crackers. They fill you up, are cheaper, and it’s a way to stay healthy when you’re always eating fast food.

3.) Get out of the van. Explore the cities. Make new friends. Those are what you’ll remember, not your third nap in the back of a hot van.

4.) Fanny packs save lives.

5.) Have travel shoes and show shoes.

6.) Put everything you use the most in a backpack, and always keep that with you.

7.) Your friends back at home are fine, but it doesn’t hurt to check up on them. 

8.) Push any and every creative boundary you have past the max. Now is the time.

9.) Baby wipes, vitamin C gummies, dry shampoo, and air freshener are so much more important than you think.

10.) Find some campgrounds around you. Waking up to a river and mountain is so much nicer than waking up to a Walmart. 

11.) Treat your hosts well. 

12.) Not every day will be special, learn to embrace the normal.

13.) Ska music keeps you awake during those long overnight drives.

14.) I still don’t know what to do about your towel to be honest. 

15.) Get a nice water bottle and keep it in your backpack. Reduce your plastic use a bit.

16.) Bars of soap are much easier to store than anything else.

17.) Keep a watch on your gear, be protective over it. 

18.) Be sure to keep checking the van. Tire pressure, fluids, lug nuts, all of it. 

19.) Get unlimited data so your mom doesn’t yell at you when you get back.

20.)  Finally, and the most important, don’t psyche yourself out. You got on the tour. You’re doing the thing. You deserve to be there. Comparing yourself to others or thinking you’re not worthy of it is going to happen, you have to fight it as much as you can. This is the one I’m still learning.

This was a completely new experience for me. There were major ups, but also major downs. I’ve never felt more loved and more alone. I wouldn’t change a single second of it though. I left with a whole new perspective on life and some of the closest friends I have now. If you have the chance to go on even a single tour throughout your lifetime, do it. Don’t give it up. It’s work, but it’s worth it. 


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