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REVIEW: Blink-182 - "Not Another Christmas Song"

Last week, the world was blessed with yet another single from the iconic pop punk band Blink-182, titled “Not Another Christmas Song”. This is the first holiday song that we’ve seen from the band in several years, past releases including, “I Won’t Be Home For Christmas” and, a fan favorite, “Happy Holidays, You Bastard.”

The song is ultimately meant to be read as the title states; not a Christmas-specific song. However, there are hints of Christmas strewn throughout the song such as sleigh bells and the iconic “fa la la la, fa la la la.”

The song is extremely upbeat and energetic. It’s a classic Blink sound that hits you right in the feels as soon as the lyrics come in, especially since the lyrics regard seasonal depression that many go through during the holiday season. The first verse puts it directly into perspective, sung by Mark Hoppus and Matt Skiba:

“I hate to be a downer

But I spent too many hours

Crossing days off the calendar

It don't mean nothing to me

I'm burned out like lights on a tree

Old songs, can't listen to these

Fake a smile but all I can see

Is empty boxes and trees”

This verse is performed a bit mellow to start, building up that upbeat energy as the verse progresses and goes into the first chorus.

The bass is very prominent in this song, something that is not always directly identifiable and in your face in most music, and it works extremely well with this song. Travis Barker’s drum parts also work extremely well with this song and keep it interesting and unique.

All in all, the song is undoubtedly worth checking out. Watch the official music video below.

Rating: 5/5 Daddies