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To Know Or Not Know The Setlist . . .

Photo by Rickelle Tavares

Written by Brooke Champine

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Alright folks, here it is, one of the most debated topics in live music culture: do you like to know a band/artist’s setlist prior to attending a show? There are valid arguments to both sides, and we will attempt to present a case for both.

Knowing Before:

  1. Looking up the setlist beforehand lets you know if your favorite bands will be playing your favorite songs, building excitement for the show.

  2. Perhaps you don’t plan on staying for the entire show. Knowing the setlist beforehand will let you decide when the best time to leave would be, so that you can plan what songs you’ll miss out on.

  3. For those who aren’t familiar with one or a few of the bands/artists on the lineup, looking up their setlist will get you familiar with what you’ll be hearing that night.

  4. Knowing what songs a band will be playing can determine if it’s worth it to attend the show in the first place. Nowadays, bands/artists can be experimenting with new sounds, sometimes leaving older material completely behind at live shows, which doesn’t always go over well with fans. 

  5. Usually the go-to reason for looking up a setlist beforehand is to get amped-up before a show. Whether it’s alone or with friends/family, singing along to your favorite tracks is sure to get the blood flowing!

Not Knowing:

  1. Of course, one of the biggest reasons for not knowing before is keeping the element of surprise. If a song you love starts playing, and you weren’t necessarily expecting to hear it, the surprise factor can take that experience to a whole other level of joy.

  2. Sometimes, people don’t want to hear the same songs they’re about to hear live, because it can get repetitive. Even if you’re singing along to that artist, avoiding the songs on their setlist will keep the experience fresh.

  3. Opposite to knowing the setlist, if you have to leave a show early, not knowing the setlist can avoid the pain of knowing you’re missing out on hearing your favorite song live.

With that being said, I leave you with this question: do you like knowing the setlist before a show? Cast your vote below and let us know why in the comments!