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Myke Terry Talks New Volumes Album, Return of Michael Barr

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Volumes have recently been going through a lot of band changes. From welcoming Michael Barr back after leaving the band in 2015, losing guitarist, producer, and friend Diego Farias, and having Gus Farias removed from the band, it looks like Volumes are doing some remodeling. After talking to Myke Terry, vocalist of Volumes, he cleared up some information about what the band is working on and what they are looking forward to.  

Does it feel like picking up right where you previously left off in 2015, with Michael Barr back in the band? 

It’s been an incredible experience. Just the vibe is really high. Morale is high. It’s been awesome. Nothing short of incredible. 

You guys have previously said that “holywater” was a new chapter for you guys. What are you hoping to happen next for the band?

To be honest, to be able to play together again would be amazing. That’s the first step. And then from there just being able to get back on the road and put a new album out, be excited to play new music and connect with fans again. 

“holywater” was recently described as a new chapter for Volumes by Michael Barr. He also said that the song was a way for them to “cleanse any bad vibes from the situation and the scene as well.” Barr also explained that this single is everything the band hopes to be in 2020 and was even one of the fastest songs Volumes has created, showcasing the heaviness they hope to bring back. Barr also said the song “brings a lot of memories. At the same time, it feels like the future for us.”

How has the creative process changed with the recent releases, compared to prior projects? 

Now the creative process, especially for this album, it has been a lot different given everything that has been going on with coronavirus and the whole social distancing thing. We have done a lot of remote recording, a lot of Zoom, a lot of FaceTime sessions, so that’s been a different experience because normally we are all in a room together and writing and you know the whole process is under one roof, but now it’s kind of spread out over various places that we live. 

So are you guys together while recording or are you all separate and recording online together?

Sometimes. Well mostly it will be at least like two of us together at a time but for the most part it’s just unnecessary for us to be together. We kind of will just be on the sidelines watching online, critiquing and adding our input from there. 

How is it different working with new producer Max Schad, in terms of production and the overall impact on the band?

Well the band has worked with Max before. His role wasn’t as prevalent as now but he’s always been a dear friend and he’s always been someone that we’ve bounced ideas off of. So it’s been pretty comfortable to go back and work with him again and bounce ideas [around] because it’s someone who feels comfortable and it’s someone we’ve been with before and he understands the band and what makes Volumes, Volumes. 

What were you hoping to convey with the song “Pixelate,” particularly in terms of social media?

It was just kind of raising awareness [about] how we are [told] different things. How we’re given media, what we’re given and what we do with that media. I wouldn’t say it’s raising awareness but kind of touching on it. Just giving from our viewpoint, the way we see things going and our interpretation of that. 

“Pixelate” was released on May 15 and the band took to their social media stating, “This song is about consuming and ingesting too much social media and news. It’s about the negative influence that these platforms, applications, and publications have on us today.” 

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What will be the distribution of clean versus scream vocals on any upcoming releases? 

You know for everyone who has been asking, we will have some clean singing. We have a lot of different thoughts. We have a whole album’s worth to get through. These songs that we released [“holywater” and “Pixelate”]  are the songs, in the first couple months, we’ve been working on. Now that we’ve had more time, there are more songs that have more melody, that have more singing and that showcase both Michael and I’s vocal abilities. So just tell everyone to hang on! It’s going to come! It’s happening. It will happen. We will get there. You will get the signature Volumes sound with a little extra spice on the side. 

With quarantine forcing tour cancellations and such, do you have a release date that you are aiming for?

I am not sure if I am able to say yet. I would like to say at the end of the year… The end of this year or early beginning next year. You know it depends on what happens in our current state of affairs in the world and what not. 

Due to COVID-19, you had to cancel the Vengeance 2020 tour with Attila. Do you plan to reschedule the tour?

We are definitely going to do that tour. That is one of the tours that all parties involved, that’s like the highlight of our year. We were all looking forward to that. All the artists that were going to be on that tour have committed to [it] - once we’re able to make it happen again, we’re going to. I’ve heard talks about the end of the year or early beginning of next year. It really just depends on what the different states say as far as travel, gatherings and what not. But we’re definitely very anxious to get back on the road. 

Does Volumes have a permanent fill-in guitarist for the band, or are you guys taking it all in stride?

We’ve had a good friend of ours, Sam Beck, he’s been playing guitar for us. As far as I know, he’s playing with us for a little while and that’s it. You know right now we are really focusing on the album and close to being able to find what makes Volumes, Volumes. 

When asking Terry where he would like to see Volumes in a year or even five years, he immediately said touring. It is clear after talking to Terry that the band is desperate to get back out there and be at shows to connect with fans and release new music. 

Terry also wanted the fans to be on the lookout for new music and be on the lookout for new merch! Volumes is excited to show what they are working on and are hoping to get on tour and away from quarantine ASAP.