Motionless In White RANKED


Motionless In White is undoubtedly one of the most successful bands to have come out of our scene and they didn’t get there by chance. They put in a lot of hard work. Now sitting atop the success from Disguise and playing with the likes of Alice Cooper and Slipknot, the sky's the limit for them and we at Scene Daddy are super excited to hear what is next for the band. It seems that with each record they can evolve their sound while still being able to stay true to their roots. 

Hailing out of Scranton, PA, Motionless In White officially became a band in 2005. Inspired by musicians such as Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, and more, they have been able to craft a sound all their own. They have been able to gain quite the loyal fanbase along the way while being themselves unapologetically through their unique look and sound. They have dipped into almost every subgenre of metal incorporating elements from metalcore to nu-metal, gothic metal, and everything in between. 

Not shying away for speaking up on their views, Motionless In White is a force in the scene that is here to stay and doesn’t seem to be showing signs of stopping anytime soon. With new projects being teased to be out this summer and the 10th anniversary of their debut record Creatures just around the corner we thought it would be fun to rank their albums and see just how far they have come as a band since their inception.

As a fan of the band myself I love each record for different reasons but alas I had to make some very hard decisions. Let us know if you agree or disagree with our rankings!

Disguise (2019)

Their most personal record to date, Disguise takes the crown as my favorite Motionless record. Packed with honest lyrics, catchy hooks, and choruses that will get stuck in your head- this is the record this band has been waiting to make for years. It perfectly captures the maturity of their sound while still staying true to their humble beginnings as a band. I believe what makes the record so great is the vulnerability in the songs. Where some of their other records lack cohesiveness, this album has a more thought out theme that is apparent throughout the record. It isn’t easy being human and this album showcases the awfulness of feeling: like you have to hide behind a disguise, battle your inner demons, doubt yourself, and try to find a place to belong. It is very apparent that this record was written from the heart and just how much this band is important for not only the fans but for the band itself to keep going. 

Stand Out Tracks: Holding On To Smoke, Disguise, Thoughts And Prayers, Another Life

Graveyard Shift (2017)

There isn’t one song on this album that I dislike. Another show in Motionless evolving their sound, and as a follow-up to Reincarnate, Graveyard Shift shows the band mastering their craft and showcasing their best assets. Although some people might say that the lyrics on some of the tracks are them “trying to be edgy”, I think it is just the band having fun and not caring what anybody thinks of them. I think this is a fun record and shows that the band can not only pay homage to their influences but also make it their own. Chris’s vocal ability is apparent in this record and although I must agree that once again they are maybe trying to go for a few too many sounds on the album, I think that this is something that we have come to expect from the band.

Stand Out Tracks: Eternally Yours, Soft, Queen For Queen

Creatures (2010)

Their first full length is filled with synth-driven choruses and lots of great breakdowns. It is a fan favorite and has a lot of stand out tracks that the band still plays live to this day. The keyboards add such an atmosphere to this record and help bring the horror-themed lyrical concepts to life. The lyrics on this record are so creative and this album will stand the test of time as a classic metalcore record. 

Stand Out Tracks: Immaculate Misconception, City Lights, Puppets (The First Snow), London In Terror, Scissorhands

Reincarnate (2014)

I love this record. There is something for everyone to enjoy whether you enjoy the more industrial side of the band, their metalcore sound, or even something in between. It was their biggest departure from the metalcore sound. Although some fans might have initially dismissed them because of that, I think this album just really solidified their staying power. Overall, I enjoy this album a lot more than Infamous because even though different styles used as well on this album, the album flows a lot better overall. You can also tell that the tracklist was more thought out on this record. The production on this album is fantastic and showcases the talent of each member of the band. Every song is so catchy, that even the songs that aren’t as lyrically strong as others, you can’t help but sing along. 

Stand Out Tracks: Reincarnate, Break The Cycle, Unstoppable

Infamous (2012)

What I like about this record is that it showcases the versatility of the band and isn’t just another metalcore record. You can start to hear influences from Manson, Nine Inch Nails and so much more, something that wasn’t apparent in Creatures. It's got its share of solid tracks. Although it is not my favorite record of theirs, I believe it was a very important record for the band to make in order to push their sound forward and be able to stand out among the rest of the metalcore bands in the scene. Chtoement in vocals is very apparent on this album and added a lot more depth to the band, as it showed that they could expand their sound into almost any sub-genre of rock/metal. 

Stand Out Tracks- Devil’s Night, Black Damask (The Devil’s Fog), Burned At Both Ends, Sinematic

When Love Met Destruction (2009)

This record takes me right back to those MySpace days. Independently released, this record has a very synth-driven metalcore vibe to it and post-hardcore and honestly a pretty solid release for them. You can tell this was released early on in the band's career as it sounds like a lot of the other records that came out around that time. Upon first listen, you would think some tracks were on an Asking Alexandria record. Not a bad release by any means, but it just doesn’t have any of the elements that make Motionless In White who they are. 

Stand Out Tracks- Ghost in The Mirror, Destroying Everything

Let us know your rankings in the comments!


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