REVIEW: Archaeologist 'Vol.II' (Remixed/Remastered)


California has always fostered some great talent when it comes to the rock industry, especially when if one digs deep enough into progressive, metal, and math rock scene. When it comes to this area of music, we need not look any further than a little band/solo project from San Jose, Archaeologist. Though many may not know who they are yet, they carry a monumentally diverse sound within their presence. Starting in 2013, Archaeologist began cultivating a sound that people would remember with an EP titled Vol.I, Vol.II in 2015, which would then lead to 2017's Odysseys. They would then shortly after release Winter'sTale in 2019. Archaeologist has now successfully come back this year, re-releasing the EP that got it all started Vol.II remixed and remastered. 

From the gate, we get an indefatigably beautiful first impression of a promptly titled "Aggressor." Candy-coated with delicious clean guitar string and harmonies at the beginning that quickly transforms into huge progressive riffs accompanied by lovely use of layered use of vocals featured throughout, this is the perfect start to what made fans love Vol.II in the first place. 

We then jump into math-heavy "Lucid Dreams." A nice change of pace from the current track, its unwavering progressive/metal intensity is something that remains constant despite the small genre changes that remain painted within each track experience throughout the record. Though some would think this would not work so well together, the switching of simple sparking guitars to complex and dynamic riffs works rather well for this particular track.

"Unforgiving Skies" is our next juncture on this EP. Turning the genre tables on us yet again, the EP trades in the twinkling guitars from the previous track experience and goes all in for a more metal/ progressive approach on all fronts. "Unforgiving Skies" is potent in delivering an unrelenting siege of guitar patterns and drum work will leave you headbanging from start to finish. 

We then succumb to "The Void," the second to last track on Vol.II before hitting the Instrumental side of the EP. "The Void" is very much an atmospherically beautiful masterpiece hidden underneath all the other songs. It is also the most different and slower numbers from the rest of the tracks on the record. Though some may not like this one in particular for this reason, it stands out for its creativity and should have credit for such points. 

We then end on a high note with "Beyond the Edge" a fantastic track that combines electronic, progressive, and metal elements all in one impressive bag. After hearing this track once, you will be able to discern why this track is last on the EP. It is the absolute best song on the record and excellently produced from start to finish. 

One would highly recommend that you listen to the instrumental versions of these songs after the EP is finished solely because the instrumentals are the bread and butter of this whole EP. Listening to the Ep with vocals is one thing, but listening to them without is a whole different deal entirely and shows that Archaeologist could give it a go as an all-instrumental band, should they choose to pursue this avenue for another project. Overall, Archaeologist has massive amounts of talent and certainly have the potential to go places if they continue to make records that sound as organic and diverse as this. 


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