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REVIEW: Optimystical "Blind"

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Optimystical have always tried to remain centerstage in the multi-genre music game when it comes to delivering unique musical moments. So it came as no surprise last week when the five-piece indie/hip-hop band dropped a one-of-a-kind experience that blurs the genre lines of alternative, hip-hop, and indie rock with single "Blind." With dreamy soundscapes that intermingle with captivating lyricism, beautiful harmonies, and gorgeous rap melodies, it's such an uncommon, yet welcome listening experience that is sure to dazzle many listeners' auditory senses. 

Led by energetic vocalist and rapper Keynan Willis aka "Nutter Tut," the band was founded in 2016, as a small project from Artist Collective Seafoam Sound based in Phoenix, Arizona. The three original members then integrated the guitar, bass, and songwriting abilities from Tom Clifton of The Amazon Men, Lyle Begeibing for percussion and production (The Party Upstairs), and lead vocals and lyrics by rapper Nutter Tut. 

Since its inception, the band has also added in classically trained pianist and cellist Cara N. and another Arizona based artist J.J Tusick to fill out their line on the stage. The band then went out to release a single "Heaven" in 2018 followed by a five-track EP Smile and Wave shortly after in March of that year. Most recently, Optmystical has released another EP Void Of, which dropped March of this year. 

While the band is still up-and-coming, Optimystical is showing all the confidence in the world that they have what it takes to compete with other acts within the same genres. 

Check out the music video for "Blind" down below!

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