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Diamonds In The Rough: Patient Sixty-Seven Talk About Signing To InVogue Records And New Reimagined Track "Where To From Here"

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Something that has always stuck with Perth metalcore band Patient Sixty-Seven was to create music that meant something to them and to everyone else that would get a taste of their music. Being natives to one of Australia's most remote artistic havens and endless sources of sunshine, it's also proving to be the birthplace for a structurally sound band that has harnessed something both fresh and exciting within the modern world of metalcore.

Though the band has always had a defiant, progressive, and polished sound since they began their musical journey in 2016, their presence became bolder, melodic, and expansive as time passed following their self-released 2020 EP, Home Truths. The band started picking up momentum in the metalcore scene for their bonafide and ardent approach to their sound and has not been able to blow out the torches to their fire since.

While the band has had a monumental independent success thus far within the past two years, Patient Sixty-Seven's is firing on all cylinders and is celebrating their latest aggressively beautiful reimagined label release to InVogue Records, "Where To From Here." Originally off their recently released EP, Home Truths, the stripped-down rendition has them collaborating with renowned vocalist Kellin Quinn from post-hardcore band Sleeping With Sirens, who also helped them write the EP as well. I got to chat with the members of this extraordinary outfit about their success of being signed to Invogue Records, their new reimagined tune, and what lies beyond their newfound success.

Patient Sixty-Seven’s “Where To From Here Reimagined Single Cover Art

So I wanted to say congratulations on being signed. I know with the way everything has been this year for everyone, this must be exciting news. I know it may be too soon to take all of this in, but what are all of your emotions going into this at this moment? 

Thank you so much! It has all been very exciting, with a bit of a whirlwind of emotions behind it. We really feel ecstatic at the opportunity and feel like this is kinda the start of a new journey for our band. It was all a bit of an in the making, and we are just happy it worked out for us the way it did. InVogue Records is a label we have had our sights set on for a while now, and to see it come together is really cool. Super thankful.

What advice would you give other bands trying to pursue the same avenue? 

Just to make moves that make sense, and weigh up your options. Don’t jump on the first option all the time. Take the opportunity to re-assess where you can and figure things out. It has to work on your terms. We wanted to make sure if we signed with anyone, it had to give us the things that were important to us while giving us the chance to achieve what we think we are capable of. It’s a balancing act. 

How did the idea to reimagine "Where To From Here" come about? 

We knew after the song was written we’d want to try our hand at reimagining it. It was just a natural progression as we’ve loved doing it with some of our other tracks, to show a more mellow and raw side of the band. It’s cool to have that to hone in on, and break off a bit from the heavier stuff from time to time!

What was the process like with reimagining this track? Did you have a set way this was going to go, or did this all just sort of come together naturally? I know with some songs, reimagined or otherwise, sometimes the inspiration just comes to you while at other times it's a bit of a process. 

It was a bit of a process on this occasion. We wanted to create kinda like an alt-rock sort of sound, not completely acoustic, but sort of semi-stripped down - with drums and bass. There are still screams on it too, to lean into the more emotional side of the song. And some other production elements. We mapped it out, got the idea’s down - then figured out vocals. We had Kellin in with us to kind of do this back-and-forth ballad vibe, and he killed it. We worked off of him where we could, while still retaining the feel of the big chorus and bringing it full circle at the end. It was a rewarding and fun experience!

What experiences do you want people to take away from "Where To From Here" As a label debut track or maybe as a track for people just hearing you for the first time? 

I think it’s just the culmination of our experiences as a band for the last few years. We hope it encourages people to check out our last few releases, and get a feel for us. Show people that we do like to strip it down occasionally. It’s a reimagining of an important song on our EP - and we want people to get the chance to jam that too! 

It’s a celebration, in a way. We hope people enjoy it as it is a bit different, but I think it captures a lot that sometimes gets missed in heavier versions when looking at lyrics and energy. I’m excited to get it out for people to check out.

I know that is only the beginning of a very exciting story and I truly wish you guys the best moving forward, but are there any ambitions you want to achieve for this new track of your lives?

Just for people to listen and if they feel something, that’s amazing. We just hope people give us a chance and see how they like it. Thank you so much for having us! We really appreciate it!

Check out the reimagined version of “Where To From Here” here on Spotify and down below!