Attack Attack! Return with First New Song in 8 Years


Attack Attack! is back folks, and wherever you lay on the spectrum, you gotta realize the gravity of this situation. This is a band that used to soar up and down the Billboard charts and headline tours. They got kids across the country to learn the importance of squatting and they served as a starting point for bands like Beartooth and Bilmuri. While the pieces of Attack Attack! may not be the same composition you grew up with, this is a band that came to play. While toting themselves as a revival of crabcore, gone are the oversaturated auto tuned vocals and replaced by a singer with actual vocal ability, which has always been the band's weakest point in this humble writer's opinion. They've shed their weakness and bring someone in with the chops to deliver hushed R&B verses, roaring choruses and snarling screams for the heavier sections. Crazy, Attack Attack! vocals have range once again!

You want breakdowns? They threw some in here with authority. You miss those vibe-drenched synths? Well they're here! Purists of the genre will seek to complain, trying to claim this is Attack Attack! doing their best BMTH/Asking Alexandria impression but it's honestly got way more grit and aggression than what’s found in the overproduced mainstream laden entries from those mentioned. While I don't think the track reinvents the wheel of the genre they're playing, considering how many metalcore projects are hanging up the HxC boots to play softer variations of the chuggy riffs that got them famous, Attack Attack! is out here making an honest attempt to stay true to their roots.

On the fence? I think that's always been the band's strongest point, a polarizing myth shrouded in controversy and honest attempts, the band's got the same attitude as the scene they're surrounded in, and they've given us a perfectly serviceable synthcore chug fest and a promising entry into the evolution of what crabcore/metalcore is becoming in the modern age. Give it a listen today and develop your own opinion, and don't be sheep by listening to jaded fans who can't let go of the past, they're one of the many reasons the scene’s in the state of disarray it's in.


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