Philadelphia's White Shores Take Pop-Punk by Storm with 'The Decay' EP


Philadelphia-based pop-punk band White Shores have released their debut EP The Decay, bringing a fresh, yet familiar sound to this well-established genre. From the lead single “Face The Flames” it’s easy to see how their musical influences in Mayday Parade, The Wonder Years, and Go Radio have shaped their sound.

"We all bring something unique to the table,” says vocalist Will Richards. “Caleb (Weiler; drums) and I are long-time fans of Go Radio and Mayday Parade, so you can definitely hear those influences in there. I know Rusty (lead guitar) loves The Wonder Years, and then Freddy (Gerngross; bass) is all over the map. We’re not trying to reinvent the wheel with what we’re doing, but we’re also not chasing a genre or a style. We’re just being ourselves.”

“Face The Flames” is a classic pop-punk meets alternative rock single, rooted in a strong message to step outside your comfort zone and explore the world around you. “When I wrote the song, I was in a place in my life that I needed to hear that message.” Richards continues, “You can find inspiration in a lot of places, but that decision is ultimately yours and you’re not always going to have people patting you on the back and telling you everything’s going to be okay. I needed an outlet for liberation.”

For the remaining tracks on the EP, the lyrical themes surround rebellion - something most fans of the genre should be able to relate to. “I think a lot of times, artists and creatives aren’t encouraged to follow their path unfettered, and that’s a shame,” says Richards. “Ironically, what’s pushed me forward has been music itself, by giving me an emotional outlet. We want to pay that forward and hopefully be a positive outlet for people who are dealing with the same struggles, who don’t necessarily feel like it’s okay to be themselves. We’re here to tell you it is.”

The Decay EP is just the beginning for this optimistic and determined band, as they plan to use the time we’ve been given to focus on writing and recording more material. “Our plan right now is to get back in the studio by spring/summer and work on either a second EP or a full-length album - that’s to be determined.” Richards continues, “I know we’re all excited about the future of White Shores. This is our beginning. We’re proud of what we’ve done and think people are going to dig it. That said, we’re going to keep looking forward.”

Be sure to check out White Shores’ lead single “Face The Flames” below and find the rest of The Decay EP wherever you get your music!


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