Being Fun and Real: On Pure's New Single "Daze off" and Never Compromising Yourself for the Industry
Being fun and authentic in the music industry can be looked at as two contradistinctive things. Sometimes one is given up for the other when approaching the kind of sound one wants to achieve. While an act may sound fun and engaging instrumentally to listen to, it may not have the substance lyrically. What another may have lyrically, they may not be touting instrumentally. This is the constant ebb and flow of the scene, and up-and-coming nu-metal band Pure seeks to change that dynamic with their new single "Daze Off."
Invigorating the music scene with a dose of nu-metal and a sprinkle of 90s grunge, Pure does not want to stop representing the bands that have been so influential to them over the years, but they still want to keep the ball rolling when it comes to being progressive within the genre. Being fun and authentic are two different concepts, but Pure are confidently showing that you never have to compromise either if you want to make a good single. Pure talks with us about their single "Daze Off," and what it means to never compromise your sense of style in the music industry.
How did Pure get started? What was the scene around you like at the time?
Pure started after my split with former band A Friend, A Foe. I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do but I knew I wanted to try something different. I reached out to Shane (Drums) right away and we started trying out different things.
After bouncing around with a couple of different style ideas we ended up settling on a sorta “heavier” sound.
Following the departure of former members Luke Blanchard and Gene Ramirez, we hit the drawing board again, which led us to the sound we have today.
Upon starting, the scene around was certainly catered more towards heavier bands. I think now our music scene has diversified quite a bit. We’re still figuring out where we fit in the mix with this new sound, but it seems like the people around us are in full support of what we’re doing.
What are your musical influences? How were they integrated into "Daze Off?"
Pure takes from influence from a ton of different artists, past & present. For this single, I drew a lot of influence from early 2000s Nu Metal & 90s grunge. I wanted the vocals to be catchy but not too over the top “pop” so-to-speak. I think we found a decent balance.
How was the recording and writing process for this single? How was it different from anything else you have done in the past? I know you guys released a few singles before this "Lock Jaw" and "H-Bomb."
Yeah, the writing process for this Single as well as “H-Bomb” was very different than what we’re used to. Usually, I would have something prepared before we hit the studio & we’d just go in and knock it out while making minor changes.
For the most recent set of songs, we had a room full of dudes just vibing and throwing ideas out. I had laid down the guitar for this one & our producer Josh Bearden laid down most of the drums. Our friend Ben Hoagland chimed in with the keys & Shane spiffed up the drums all nice-like. Super fun process this time around.
What are you contributing to the alternative-rock genre that you haven't seen yet while still making the music you want to make?
I think we’re bringing a bit of fun and real-ness that we feel has lacked in the genre for a while. We’re just being ourselves writing the music we love. Bands, like Bring Me the Horizon, Ocean Grove, & our friends in Avoid, are contributing a lot to that side of things & we just wanna be a part of that wave.
I know you guys are fairly new but are steadily growing in popularity, but what do you want people to take from this release?
We want people to know that’s it okay to let go of the things that are bothering you. The world is so crazy right now and we just wanted to offer a bit of fun. We hope that’s what people took away from this release.
What do you guys have planned for this year?
At the moment, we have a merch line the works, a bunch of songs ready to be recorded, and an itching desire to play a show. We’ll have a bunch of surprises coming everyone’s way in 2021.