Her Familiar Release Blistering Debut ‘Self-Titled’ album

Traditional metalcore meets atmospheric post-hardcore on Her Familiar’s debut self-titled record. This completely independent outfit from Cleveland, Ohio have released a triumphantly spectacular record that has flown mostly under the radar to this point. While building an established following is one of, if not the most challenging aspect of kickstarting a new musical project, Her Familiar have proven they have the talent to make a lasting impression in this industry.

Her Familiar is a 9-track experience that roots itself in dramatic world building, while delivering a classic metalcore / post-hardcore sound sure to hook the heavy music fans in. Grand choruses and blistering screams reign supreme throughout this album, keeping listeners on the edge of their seat, itching for the next track. Taking influence from the likes of Killswitch Engage and Thrice, it’s easy to see where the instrumental influence stems from. “We all as individuals have our own influences, but as a collective we like to agree that a lot of different types of rock and metal bands helped pave the way for our sound,” says vocalist Brune Goon. “Bands like Killswitch Engage and Misery Signals to A Perfect Circle and Thrice really inspired our musical section. We also tip our hats to a lot of metalcore and post-hardcore (especially underground) bands during that era of 2005-2012. Huge shout out to Sevendust and Bury Your Dead; the clean sections in their music really helped inspire our sound vocally, but if there's one band that really made an impact on us it would most definitely be Deftones, for obvious reasons."

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Tracks like “ISO” and “Temporary” set the cinematic backdrop for what Her Familiar evolves into over the course of the 32 minute album. “2012” and “Shimmer” are instant standout tracks, with an active rock feel that you can image banging your head along to at any Louder Than life-type festival. Her Familiar also contains two incredibly engaging features from AJ Kotris of Adrift on River Styx on “Husk” and Chad Ruhlig of For the Fallen Dreams on the closing track “Enough”, each bringing an additional layer of melodic heaviness to the album.

Lyrically, Her Familiar explore darker themes, while trying to balance a sense of rejoice throughout - a constant battle between the light and the dark, if you will. “When writing, we aim for a darker theme.” Brune continues, “Our lyrics have a poetic and sometimes metaphorical feel on negative experiences we all may have faced at some point in our lives. We try to give the listeners an overcoming sense of triumph and joyous growth at the end of each song. Although most of the lyrical content is reflected and based on our frontman's personal life, he writes in relatable ways to captivate our audience and let them know that they are not alone.

Currently, Her Familiar are focusing on building a following in the alternative music industry, without rushing into touring or another musical project. With that said, the band has plenty on the horizon in terms of social content, so be sure to keep an eye out for plenty of music videos, livestreams, and merch drops to come soon. You can find the official music video for their hit single “2012” below, and follow Her Familiar wherever you can to support this growing act!


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