REVIEW: Hollow Front - 'Loose Threads'


On June 19th, Michigan metalcore band Hollow Front unleashed one of the best albums of the month, Loose Threads. Eleven songs in total, Loose Threads has sewn together quite possibly some of the best material Hollow Front has ever delivered up to the point, and its crystal clear from the first few tracks alone.

Opening the record, we get an impressive first track that seems to come from out of left-field, yet is still welcomed nonetheless. "Afflicted" is a dazzling, layered track instrumentally and lyrically that shows us just how talented Hollow Front is. The crazy part is that for first impressions, these are huge shoes to fill, and there are still ten tracks left to go.

Other surprises - such as "Loose Threads" of which the album name is derived - is a beautifully written piece that is sure to stand out among its counterparts, purely because of the unanticipated instrumental progression that takes place within the song. 

"Vagabond" is one of the oddest tracks on the record - its off-kilter guitar riffs and intense percussive elements breaking away from the current soundscape Hollow Front has spoon-fed us up to this point. It's a great change in the record that once again seems to be sewn into a very complex quilt of intricate sounds that Hollow Front tries to show off through their music. 

"Falling Apart" ignites something far more emotional within this album, with a spell-binding piano and guitar solo that slows things down and transports the listener's senses to another level of impassioned instrumental and lyrical mastery. Combined with powerful clean and unclean vocals, it’s clearly one of the strongest tracks on Loose Threads

From here on out is a non-stop display of solid metalcore prowess. Though the genre seems to show at times that it has run its course, these guys are proving in spades that it is here to stay, with one of the best tracks on the album "Serendipity". With meticulous attention to instrumental detail and imaginative guitar and drum work, its no wonder why this stands out on Loose Threads. Lyrical and vocal delivery are ace as well on this track, making it a satisfying ending to an already excellent record. 

Loose Threads is exemplary work that shows they have what it takes to stay on top if they keep making records such as this. Only time will tell where this band will go in the future, but from the performance of this album, chances are the sky is the limit. 


RANKED: Fall Out Boy


Desert Island - Band Discography