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Losing Yourself: On Maturing Their Sound, May The Tempest's Journey, and New Single "Clouds"

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Sometimes it takes going outside of your comfort zone and embracing something different to get the results you want musically. German-based metalcore band May The Tempest has fully realized this transformative process with their latest single, "Clouds." Having released two EPs within 2015 to 2016, and a few singles last year, the band has done quite a bit of growing and is not afraid to show it. With a voluminous atmosphere, vocal growth, and extensive instrumental interplay, the band is actively taking proactive measures to show they have matured in their recent years.  

But "Clouds" is not just a means to show maturity and a new sound for the band. It's unlocking a new chapter, an upcoming album Rise To Remain, and hopefully, a new beginning for May The Tempest. While the world may feel like we are still at a standstill, music keeps pushing for us to show that we all must keep moving as well. Here is just but one of those acts. Here to explain more about their journey, the latest single, and their plans for the new year, is vocalist Lukas Schnee of May The Tempest. 

What started May The Tempest? What was your scene around you like at the time? 

The desire to make music together, especially live music. It was always one of our main goals to be on stage as often as possible and connect with people.

It feels like back then, there were several shows every weekend in youth centers in our city, and people would actually go there. Nowadays, you need to have a well-known band on the lineup, otherwise, no one will show up, and that's a shame. At least, that's how it feels for us.

May The Tempest ‘Rise To Remain’ Album Cover

How did your musical tastes help shape your band? 

It helps that our taste in music differs a lot. Of course, we got some bands that we like in common, but the diversity leaves more creative space. 

You guys came out with two Eps within 2015-2016, Siren and Bitter Taste. You're last few singles, including this one recently, "Clouds," feels vastly different from what you released within those few years. There is so much more Atmosphere, vocal growth, and instrumental interplay happening here that wasn't fully introduced in the Eps earlier. How do you feel you have evolved from those last two releases? What have you done to stay dynamic within your sound yet still stay true to your roots?

"Well, I think one of the main reasons is that we parted ways with our shouter in 2018. I (Lucci) was playing the bass before and switched to shouts. With our "new" bassist (who also produced the first two EPs), we now have much more possibilities when it comes to songwriting and production. Our rehearsal room is his studio, so we have much more time to try out new sounds versus the time that we didn't have before (all that studio time would have been just too expensive).

I hate to say it, but I think we have matured a bit since then. At least our songwriting did. Personally, we're still full of shit.

To be honest, we didn't really try to stay true to our roots. I think that just came naturally. We're always trying to push our limits, but the musical foundation remained the same. We did what we want back then, and as that didn't change a lot, we're still doing it.

Where is "Clouds" coming from on a lyrical level for you guys? 

"Clouds deals with trauma and how to overcome it. It depicts several stages of processing a traumatic event, from the everlasting memory that hurts ("I lost count, can't feel a change") to talking it up ("At least I'm feeling anything") to suppression ("I thought I could hide anything inside of me").

But most importantly, it encourages looking back on your suffering on better days and celebrating that you made it through. You can be proud of yourself since you tamed your inner demons and "You're finally awake"!"

What do you want people to take from this release that hearing you guys for the first time? 

As I mentioned before, the song should encourage you to see the good things in a bad event. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. It is an appeal to see the world with more optimistic eyes.

And of course, people should take from it, that 'May The Tempest' is rad and they should all listen to it ;)

How do you feel 2020 changed you as an artist from a creative standpoint? 

During the recordings of our upcoming album' Rise To Remain', we tried out a lot of different sounds, which of course, was a lot of creative work. However, I don't think this would have been different in any other year. But we're more confident in what we're doing, which feels great.

What 2020 changed, though, is that we're way more organized now. Every member of the band has their responsibilities, and we're trying to keep the ball rolling with zoom meetings. If we continue this path, the future of 'May The Tempest' will be a bright one.

In your opinion, do you feel other countries have taken over in the scene while others are barely recognized when it comes to metalcore? As an artist, why do you think that is? 

Nothing beats Australia or the UK when it comes to metalcore at the moment, right? Of course, there are also crazy good US bands. I can't really tell how it looks from outside, but I think Germany has a lot to offer. Maybe that's because only because we don't know the smaller bands from other countries. Still, there are so many good metalcore bands or organizations from Germany trying to keep metalcore alive and putting their heart into the scene.

What are your goals for this year now that 2020 is over? 

First of all, kick Covid's ass!

The second goal is the same as in the last few years. Finally releasing our first full-length 'Rise To Remain'. It's been such a long time that we're working on this release, and we had to postpone the release multiple times.

Other than that, we're trying to play as many shows as soon as it's possible again and, of course, a lot of touring, hopefully. But that's not something we have total control over.

And we definitely won't wait that long until the next release. We're already writing new stuff, and there is a lot more coming in 2021.

Check out May The Tempest’s new music video for “Clouds” off their upcoming album Rise To Remain down below!