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Reborn From Ashes: On Dreamwake's Single "Luna" and Forging New Paths Forward in Life and in Music


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Dreamwake is one of the few bands in the Synthwave/metalcore lineup that are gradually changing the way we look at the genre. Forming in 2018, the band may have not had the best of beginnings after fizzling out from past music endeavors, but something within them kept them going, ultimately forming the band you see today. 

In 2019, Dark Thoughts In Vibrant Minds would show their talent as a multigenre band. It would also grant them the much-needed attention they needed to get them noticed in the scene. The potent and powerful sounds they would create on Dark Thoughts In Vibrant Minds would breathe life and channel new bolder, vehement soundscapes into their latest release, "Luna." 

With intelligent use of synthwave and heavy elements throughout, Dreamwake is proving you can still keep in touch with the heavy musical presence that has made you successful, but not be afraid to mature and develop those sounds a bit further in the process. "Luna is indeed an exciting multifaceted listening experience, while lyrically touching on the tough struggles we face, and how we can flower from adversity if we keep fighting. While the journey for this band has only just begun within the few years they have been together, their talent far out ways their time in the scene spotlight. 

The budding Connecticut native band is here with Scene Daddy to talk about their latest single and how their experiences in the scene came to shape the talented wavecore outfit we hear today. 

So I'll start with the most obvious question and the easiest haha. How did Dreamwake come to be? What was your scene like when this band was being put into fruition? 

Dreamwake is an independent four-piece Metalcore/Wavecore band founded in 2018 as the result of dissolving previous bands each of us belonged to. For us, Dreamwake was a fresh start where we could all bring our unique influences to the table and create something we all believe in. When Dreamwake became an idea the scene was definitely different than it is now. A lot more bands were around and we had a much more fruitful local scene, which allowed us to really get our name out there through shows.

Dreamwake "Luna" Single Art

What are your musical influences? How did they dovetail into your new single "Luna?" 

A lot of our main influences in heavy music come from bands like Spritbox, Erra, Northlane, Periphery, and Linkin Park to name a few. These bands have managed to influence us heavily to write how we do. On the flip side, we take a huge influence from synthwave music, inspired by bands like The Midnight, FM-84, and Timecop1983, and have been able to combine that with our love for heavy music to create a new “genre’ we like to call “Wavecore”. "Luna" is on the more metal side of things, but you can hear subtle influences of synthwave throughout the track, and maybe even more so on future material.

Kind of what to dive into the track a bit lyrically. Where were you trying to go with "Luna?" What is the story behind that?

"Luna" is our way of addressing the darkest parts of one’s self and showing that every person struggles in their own way. We hope to give listeners a more positive and inspiring outlook on life and understand that they aren’t alone in their struggles. Everyone’s story is different and the way they process their emotions vary, but the only way to overcome the darkness is to face it head-on.

What was the writing and recording process like for you guys? Instrumentally, a lot is going on here in terms of usage of different genres such as synthwave, metalcore, and progressive elements are at play. I know this is a transition period for you guys, but how would you say this single is different from Dark Thoughts in Vibrant Minds? 

We definitely think "Luna" is the start of a much more mature sound for us. We decided this song was the perfect piece to show where we’re going because it showcases elements of what we’ve done in the past while combining our new ideas and bringing them forth in a much more refined way. We challenged ourselves incredibly hard as musicians to be able to perform our new music. We feel our overall musicianship has vastly improved, so we decided "Luna" would be the best way to show it!

In what ways would you say you are further developing the metalcore genre? 

Dreamwake pools from a wide array of inspirations ranging from metal to synthwave to deathcore. We’ve used all our influences to bring an entirely new sound to the genre, and bring something to the table that anyone can enjoy. We aim to show that you can really create your own style by embracing all of your musical and artistic influences. 

What do you want people to take from "Luna" that they haven't already experienced in your previous EP? 

Above all, we want people to take away that Dreamwake is here to stay. We’ve put in countless hours working on this new music that we all feel incredibly proud of. We feel that Luna is a great representation of the new wave of Dreamwake coming in 2021 that people will really resonate with. 

What do you guys have planned next year? 

Dreamwake plans on releasing tons of new music over the course of the next year and getting back to shows and touring as soon as it is safe to do so. We miss playing live so much and we can’t wait to get back to it!