Linkin Park Is Working On New Music


It goes without saying that the current pandemic has created a lot of chaos and uncertainty, but if there’s one thing we can be certain of, it’s that the remaining members of Linkin Park are working on new material. Bassist Dave “Phoenix” Farrell was recently a guest on the show “Dan Really Likes Wine” and he made it abundantly clear the band is utilizing this downtime to create new music over video chat sessions on Zoom. This is the first news we’re hearing of Linkin Park creating any new music since the tragic news of Chester Bennington’s death on July 20th, 2017. 

The positive news comes as a welcome surprise, as we try to envision what Linkin Park could sound like without their juggernaut of a lead singer and while some may be skeptical, there exists tribute footage of Mike Shinoda absolutely killing it while taking on the mantle of both vocalist roles. Though the question remains, does Linkin Park enlist a new vocalist to tackle the leviathan-like qualities that Chester once instilled in his role as a vocalist, or do they maintain the original line up and carry on? Farrell didn’t get into too many details and merely stated that the band is just “eating lunch and working up ideas and writing new material,” which is more than enough to get the rumor mill stirring and excitement levels crawling up higher. 

While no official word has been given as to when we can expect new music or what the vocalist situation may be, there’s enough to keep us excited here at Scene Daddy. Does the idea of Linkin Park carrying on make you excited or do you feel they should leave well enough alone and leave it in the past? In a world filled with uncertainty and confusion, doesn’t the thought of the band responsible for “In The End” trying to make new music add some comfort to your life? This writer would like to think so. If you would like to see Dave “Phoenix” Farrell’s interview on “Dan Really Likes Wine”, be sure to watch the episode below (Dave first talks about the news at 18:10 if wine tasting isn’t your thing) to get the full scope of details behind this news.


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